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I agree. I love the content of this site and the way its presented. I am a freelance writer and have an appreciation for inspirational work. What you have written is thought provoking and yet very grounding. Thank you…I found your site at a time when I needed it the most in my spiritual journey. S
No, the information I have on this website is from years of reading and listening to people from many different churches, from life experiences, and from what I hear in my spirit.
The “Author” page of this website explains this simply; I know I have a Creator and I believe my Creator came to Earth in the human form of Jesus Christ to show the world the meaning of unconditional love.
Religions were created by man, not God, and churches are the place these religions teach their theology, some of which I agree with and some I do not.
The Forensic Psychologist for the defense and I were told that Bryce was the shooter, Bryce believed them too. FACT He did not shoot the deceased. NOT GUILTY/NOT CULPABLE.
The 55 page forensic psychologist report for the defense, that found someone other than Bryce to be culpable of this crime, had also found Bryce to be a
Child not an adult, that he should remain in the Juvenile system and be afforded rehabilitation. Her report was never presented. NOTE: A DYING MANS
DECLARATION…IS in the police report. Before the Victim died he named his murderer, he named his own son Nick, there is another document that the Victim names his son again… NICK DANIEL CANTU 01-65-8805.
4BrycesBattle Bryce-Seton Vandergrift I haven’t seen Bryce’s face since July 2010, after his sentencing/plea agreement. I haven’t heard his voice since he called me Sept 2010, the day before he turned 16 in an adult jail. The next day he was taken at 4 am and moved to another prison, he remained there for about 3 wks. and was moved again to another prison. When he turns 18 on Sept 9th 2012, he will be transferred over to adult notorious unit-open bay or share a cell with a man.
I am very concerned for my son and I miss him so much it hurts. Pushing through and continue to stay strong for my son.
Thank you everyone for your compassion and Prayers for Justice for Bryce.
Blessings Galore.
More often than not scientist, neurologist, psychiatrist, psychologist and professionals, describe their work, definitions, findings etc., using Big
Words, and Phrases that may sound frightening to the average reader. Such as in Bryce’s case. Genetic Brain Disorder, Neuro this and Neuro that, Associated
Disorders, Comorbidities, Cognitive this or that too. Being born with an imperfect brain is referred to as a Genetic Brain Disorder.
Before 2007 when Bryce went to live in Texas with his father, Our child had already had his full neurology work up In Florida, years before I had agreed for him to spend some years with his father.
My sons impairments cause him to physically tic, sometimes a lot and sometimes not much at all and then there is the area of thinking skills, abilities,
Cognitive this or that. Some of todays medications sound like a superhero’s name. How easy it was to coerced him, manipulated him use him for others gain.
Bryce was exploited Before, during and after his arrest on 12-31-2009
How easy it was to get Bryce to believe false things and get him to believe and repeat them as if they were true. 2010-JUV-003-22a. Docket A12533. DOB 09-09-1994. 90979792. Bryce Seton Vandergrift TDC 01-66-1857
Bryce’s Mother ms d m m pelletier 4brycesbattle
I’m kinda losing hope… : … (
This is great, it really helped me, to believe in something you can’t see, but you can feel.
Are you affiliated with a specific Church or denomination?
Colombia, LA
Great Webpage …..
Rep South Africa
Hi Amy, got you in my thoughts and prayers. Hope God has been a present hope to you..!
Mercy Me, Grace is Good!
“Your Creator is showing you a Divine act of compassion” These words jumped right off that page and became mine. Months, days of horrible crushing depression, loneliness, evil voices screaming, “you’re not worthy, you’re not good enough, you don’t deserve peace”..then the scary thoughts “I didn’t deserve to live, there’s no hope”. I reached out to friends, an acquaintance or two. I confessed my despair, my thoughts of just wanting to lay down and die. It scared most of them..understandably, it scared me, they ran the other way. But I also reached out for God, shared my despair and hopelessness. God didn’t run away though, Love only pulled me closer in. Mercy was poured out on me like warm anointing oil. Surely, goodness and mercy had followed me, right to the darkest days. God’s grace became sufficient..!
Thanks for the time given to putting this site together…it is very helpful.
you always have friends close by if you need to talk your a great mother and woman
Also Praying
Amy, sweet child of God, my heart aches for you and my spirit calls to our Creator to strengthen you and help you in the struggles you face daily, hourly, even minute by minute as a single mother. I empathize with your mental can be very overwhelming. Remember that while it may seem so, you are not alone. This site is indeed very valuable..return frequently. It’s design is to guide you right to the Source of our Great Helper.
It’s time to stop struggling
I am praying for you and I hope you read the information, make that call and let your Creator put the right people in your life to help you.
I’m struggling
I am a single mother dealing with many physical problems. I am also developing, or just now recognizing, some mental issues. I am still trying to do all that I can to make myself well for my kiddos, but I am almost out of strength. I will continue to visit this site and look to it for everyday hope and wellness.
I am thankful
It has been “fragile” days for me of late. The reflections in this site have been comforting, thought stimulating and have stirred hope. Readings from forgiveness, love, and do over, challenge me and remind me that I can’t do it alone, or get it “right”, nor am I expected to. I’m not sure who is responsible for the content of this site, but as I read and reread it, I am thankful. It causes me to wanna sit and chat for hours with the one responsible for the thoughts here..this becomes an internal dialog with my inner Guide and helps me seek, search and find “truth” relevant to me.
gsb nc
Love your website!!
“It is impossible to fall out of love. Love is such a powerful emotion, that once it envelops you it does not depart. True love is eternal. If you think that you were once in love, but fell out of it, then it wasn’t love you were in. There are no ‘exit’ signs in love, there is only an ‘on’ ramp.” Love without fear!~author unknown
I took a step,
Out of myself.
To see what ,
I could see.
How I wished I could
Read the thoughts of others,
To know what they see
As me.
Its amazing how friends describe us,
And can be so definite as to who we are.
When even though we have been inside,
Will never understand that far..
Thanks for giving us a place for positive thoughts in a world pushing negativism!
What a wonderful website! 🙂
Nashville, TN